A Badly Injured Tyler Makes a Stunning Recovery!

Rescue Stories

Post Date:
Nov 7, 2023
Crossing Paths Team

Meet Tyler, a Pomeranian mix who is about 4-5 years of age. On August 1, 2023, Tyler's owners surrendered him to a shelter, saying that he was healthy and only needed a good grooming. We happily took him in from the shelter! When he arrived at rescue, he had a huge gash in his back that was badly infected.

Tyler came in to rescue with a deep and infected open wound

We also noticed that Tyler walked on only three legs, dragging his right hind leg behind him. The leg bone was most likely broken some time ago and did not heal correctly. Despite his major ailments, Tyler was such a happy boy with a sweet demeanor. We immediately took him in for veterinary evaluation.

Tyler calmly lets our veterinarian evaluate him

Tyler's open wound was stitched up and he was given antibiotics. Unfortunately, he required a leg amputation, which was performed right away.

The loving staff of Crossing Paths nurses Tyler after his amputation

We were amazed by Tyler's spirit and resilience. He began walking just two days after surgery and was running in no time. The gash in his back healed beautifully.

Tyler poses for his website photo

Crossing Paths staff members describe Tyler as as happy and fiercely loyal. Now that he has fully recovered, Tyler is ready to find his forever home.